Serangga Unik Yang Menanamkan Telurnya Ke Tubuh Semut Api

Layaknya seperti film Aliens, dia menanamkan benihnya alias telurnya kedalam tubuh semut api. Kehidupan si semut api tetap berjalan seperti biasa, tetapi setelah telur siserangga Aliens itu menetas maka mulailah babak teror dimulai.
Benih itu mulai merangkak ke kepala si semut dan kemudian...
Memecahkan kepala semut...
Untuk memulai kehidupannya yang baru...

Tobat !! Kakek Mau Bakar Cucu !!

Bocah tersebut bernama Jovanka Rahma Prasetya (11), tinggal di Manukan Tasman I. Sementara kakeknya diketahui bernama Warso (68), seorang purnawirawan TNI AD.
Peristiwa tersebut bermula saat Warso menuduh korban telah mengambil uang Rp 500 ribu miliknya. Merasa tak mengambil uang, korban yang masih duduk di bangku kelas 6 SD ini membantah telah mengambil uang milik kakeknya itu.
Karena tak mengaku, Warso kesal. Selanjutnya, Warso mengambil tali sepatu dan membawa korban ke teras depan rumahnya. Lalu sang kakek mengikat tangan cucunya tersebut dengan tali sepatu.
Setelah itu, sang kakek mengambil minyak tanah dan menyiramnya ke kepala dan kedua tangan cucunya itu. Beruntung, kejadian ini diketahui warga sekitar. “Warga lalu melapor ke Polsek. Begitu mendapat laporan itu, anggota langsung ke TKP untuk menyelamatkan anak itu,” ujar Kapolsek Tandes, AKP Hendriyana di Mapolsek, Jumat (31/7/2009).
Selanjutnya, korban dibawa ke Polsek Tandes. Dan sekitar pukul 21.00 WIB, korban dan neneknya dibawa ke Mapolres Surabaya Utara untuk menjalani pemeriksaan. “Kasus ini kita limpahkan ke Polres karena korbannya seorang anak-anak. Karena di Polsek tak ada unit PPA,” kata Kapolsek. [roz/kun]
The story of a legend: Sir Bobby's factfile
Sir Bobby Robson Factfile:
1933: Born February 18, in Langley Park, County Durham.
1950: Joins Fulham. Makes 152 appearances, scoring 68 goals. Moves to West Brom, scoring 56 goals in 239 games.

Sir Bobby Robson: 1933-2009.
1958: Plays for England in World Cup in Sweden. Wins 20 caps for his country and one under-23 cap.
1962: Rejoins Fulham, making 193 appearances and scoring nine goals.
1967: Leaves Fulham in May to join Vancouver Royals as manager.
1968: Takes over as Fulham manager in January. Sacked in November.
1969: Appointed manager of Ipswich.
1978: Ipswich win FA Cup with 1-0 victory over Arsenal.
1981: Ipswich win UEFA Cup with a 5-4 aggregate victory over AZ Alkmaar.
1982: Appointed England manager.
1986: England reach World Cup quarter-finals, losing to Argentina 2-1, thanks to Diego Maradona's 'Hand of God' opening goal.
1990: Football Association reveal Robson's contract as England manager is unlikely to be renewed even if he wins World Cup. Robson announces he will be taking over at PSV Eindhoven after tournament. England beaten on penalties in World Cup semi-final by West Germany.
1991: Wins Dutch league with PSV.
1992: Wins Dutch league before taking over as manager of Sporting Lisbon.
1993: Controversially sacked in December after a UEFA Cup defeat.
1994: Appointed manager of FC Porto, with whom he wins Portuguese Cup.
1995: Guides Porto to Portuguese league title.
1996: Steers Porto to second successive league title before resigning to take over at Barcelona.
1997: Presides over Barcelona's Cup Winners' Cup-winning campaign but eventually surrenders coaching reins to Louis van Gaal and moves upstairs as Barcelona's general manager in charge of scouring Europe for talent.
1998: Rejoins PSV as coach over the summer.
1999: February - Offers to take over as England boss on a temporary basis after the sacking of Glenn Hoddle.
September 3 - Appointed manager of Newcastle.

Sir Bobby Robson with Alan Shearer.
2000: February 18 - agrees a new 12-month rolling contract with Newcastle on his 67th birthday.
October 21 - Rules himself out of the running to take on the England job for a second time.
2002: Leads Newcastle United to fourth place in the Premiership to put them into the qualifying stages of the Champions League.
June 15 - Knighted in Queen's Birthday Honours.
2003: May - Newcastle finish the season in third place and qualify for the Champions League qualifying rounds, where they are beaten by Partizan Belgrade.
2004: August 1: Chairman Freddy Shepherd confirms he will not extend Robson's contract when it expires at the end of the 2004-2005 season. Robson admits Shepherd's comments had been a surprise.
August 14: Leaves Kieron Dyer on the bench after the England man refuses to play on the right wing against Middlesbrough.
August 28: Robson chooses to start captain Alan Shearer on the bench as Newcastle lose 4-2 at Aston Villa.
August 30: Newcastle reveal Robson has been "relieved of his duties'' as manager.
2005: October - Admits his interest in taking over as Hearts manager to replace Ipswich protege George Burley.
November: Hearts appoint former Chelsea coach Graham Rix as head coach.
2006: January - Named as international football consultant to new Republic of Ireland manager Steve Staunton.
August 5 - Treated in hospital after being taken ill during the first half of Ipswich's clash with Crystal Palace, at which he had been named honorary club president.
August 20 - Announces he needs operation to remove a small brain tumour.
2007: May 6 - Vows to "battle as I've always done'' following the start of chemotherapy treatment after being diagnosed with cancer for the fifth time.
November 15 - Indicates his health may mean he has to retire.
2008: February 16 - Embarks upon a campaign to raise £1m to fund a cancer trial research centre at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital.
August 7 - Admits he will lose his long battle against cancer "sooner rather than later''.
October 30 - Joined by Sir Alex Ferguson and Sir Bobby Robson at a gala event to raise money for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation.
December 8 - Granted the freedom of the city of Durham.
2009: February 20 - Accepts a cheque for £75,000 from England boss Fabio Capello on behalf of the Football Association, their contribution to his charity fund.
April 24 - Announces the Sir Bobby Robson Trophy clash between England and Germany on July 26.
July 26 - Attends St James' Park for England v Germany clash in a wheelchair and is given a guard of honour. Also presented with the Emerald UEFA Order of Merit award.
July 31 - Robson dies at home at the age of 76.
Football mourns loss of Sir Bobby Robson
Former England manager Sir Bobby Robson has passed away at the age of 76, having finally lost a long battle against cancer.

Sir Bobby Robson's last public appearance, at his tribute game at St James' Park on July 26.
Robson, who distinguished himself first during a lengthy tenure that put Ipswich Town back on the map with FA Cup and UEFA Cup wins in 1978 and 1982 respectively, took on the England job and led them to the semi finals of the World Cup in 1990.
A spell on the continent included jobs at PSV Eindhoven, Sporting Lisbon, FC Porto and Barcelona before a return to his North-East roots at Newcastle United in 1999.
The County Durham native was taken to the hearts of the Geordie nation as he led them back into European football while playing a brand of football that won the hearts of many a neutral. Robson's controversial sacking in August 2004 is often said to mark the beginning of Newcastle's current problems.
Robson was an England international as a player, where he served Fulham, West Bromwich Albion and briefly for the defunct Vancouver Royals, and featured briefly at the 1962 World Cup.
He had been a cancer sufferer for 18 years, suffering five different bouts of the disease. Last Sunday saw Newcastle United stage a charity game between former English and German internationals from his original 1990 World Cup squads and other special guests in aid of the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation.
"It is with great sadness that it has been announced that Sir Bobby Robson has lost his long and courageous battle with cancer," read a statement released by Robson's family. "He died very peacefully this morning at his home in County Durham with his wife and family beside him.
"Sir Bobby's funeral will be private and for family members only. A thanksgiving service in celebration of Sir Bobby's life will be held at a later date for his many friends and colleagues.
"Lady Robson and the family would very much appreciate it if their privacy could be respected at this difficult time."
Masya ALLAH Bu, Perjuanganmu...

7 Manfaat Lain dari Cuka

SELAIN untuk menambah rasa asam dan menghilangkan bau amis, cuka juga punya manfaat lain. Cuka atau asam asetat ini dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah kebersihan rumah. Mulai dari shower mampet, lantai kusam, hingga membersihkan kerak botol. Cara menggunakannya pun sangat mudah.
1. Shower Mampet
Air yang mengandung besi, tanah, atau pasir halus bisa menjadi biang keladinya. Untuk mengatasinya, siapkan 1 liter air panas, kemudian tuangkan satu cangkir cuka makan dan aduk. Rendam kepala shower dalam larutan tadi selama 10 menit. Angkat, lalu bersihkan. Teratasi sudah masalah shower mampet.
2. Blender Kotor
Penggunaan blender biasanya meninggalkan noda. Terkadang noda tersebut sulit dihilangkan. Jika itu terjadi, gunakan campuran air, sabun cuci piring, dan cuka. Tuang campuran itu ke dalam blender dan nyalakan blender selama 30 detik. Buang campuran air tadi dan bilas dengan air hangat.
3. Lantai Kusam
Lantai keramik yang berusia lebih dari lima tahun biasanya berubah menjadi kotor dan kusam. Untuk membersihkannya, tuangkan cuka ke permukaan lantai. Diamkan selama lima menit. Kemudian bersihkan dengan kain pel hingga bersih. Pel sekali lagi dengan air untuk menghilangkan bau cuka.
4. Karat pada Logam
Untuk menghilangkan karat, siapkan satu sendok makan cuka dicampur satu sendok teh garam. Gosokkan campuran tersebut ke bagian perkakas logam yang berkarat. Setelah karat hilang, bersihkan dengan air dan keringkan.
5. Guci Pecah
Guci pecah pun bukan lagi masalah. Buat campuran dari satu bungkus agar-agar, satu sendok cuka, aduk hingga mengental. Gunakan campuran adonan tadi sebagai lem. Rekatkan setiap bagian pecahan guci. Setelah itu jemur hingga adonan lem kering. Guci pun kembali utuh.
6. Sisa Minyak
Agar noda minyak di panci gampang dibersihkan, tuangkan cuka ke dalam 2 liter air. Celupkan panci berminyak ke dalamnya. Noda minyak akan luntur dan setelah itu bilas panci dengan air bersih.
7. Kerak Botol
Kerak pada botol bisa dibereskan dengan cuka. Masukkan air sabun ke dalam botol. Tambahkan satu sendok makan abu gosok dan satu sendok makan cuka. Biarkan selama 10 menit. Kemudian kocok-kocok dan sikat bagian dalam botol. Kerak dalam botol pun hilang.
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